This inquiry leads students to investigate the history and present-day use of yerba mate to encourage multicultural communication, understanding and respect. Through this unit, students will learn about the history and cultural significance of yerba mate in South America, where it is commonly consumed, they will discuss the origins of this drink, as well as…
This focused one-day inquiry leads students through an investigation of the Jefferson Street business district in Nashville, Tennessee and how music can change and influence a community. Jefferson Street has been considered, “a lab for some of the most important historical, social and cultural events in the U.S. South” (Facing north: Jefferson street, Nashville). Dave…
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This inquiry leads students through an investigation of the Hot Corner business district in Athens, Georgia. In the early 1900s, the Hot Corner was one of the most prosperous Black business districts in the South in spite of legalized segregation and Jim Crow laws (Hot Corner). At the core of the district was the Morton…
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This inquiry leads students through an investigation of the Jefferson Street business district in Nashville, Tennessee. Jefferson Street has been considered, “a lab for some of the most important historical, social and cultural events in the U.S. South” (Facing north: Jefferson street, Nashville). Dave Paulson described the district as being “Nashville’s prime thoroughfare for Black…
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Year after year, Milwaukee lands at or near the top of the most segregated US city list. Individual activists, organizations, and media outlets in Milwaukee work tirelessly to call attention to and address the severely unjust disparities resulting from this racial divide. A call to greater action to repair the deep damage of segregation must…
This inquiry leads 5th-grade students through an investigation of the American Revolution and the varying impacts of individuals who could be deemed heroes based on their impact. The compelling question, “What defines a hero?” allows students to consider all the actions of an individual and if they think that they are worthy of the title…
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This inquiry leads students through an investigation of the life, achievements, and mystery of Amelia Earhart and her disappearance. The compelling question, “Where did you go, Amelia Earhart?” engages students in discovering the legacy of Amelia Earhart from her youth to her disappearance. Students will use the sources provided by this inquiry to gather information…
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How Can Art Unite A Divided Democracy? This inquiry leads students through an investigation of the ways in which artists are trying to heal the political polarization that have divided Americans. Students analyze recent events (e.g., the 2024 Fast Car duet between Tracy Chapman and Luke Combs) and how these artists created some national unity…
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What Stories Do Photographs Tell? Photography serves as a powerful window into the experiences of migrants during the Great Depression, offering visual narratives that capture their struggles, resilience, and hopes. Through the lens of historical photographs, we gain intimate glimpses into the hardships faced by migrant families, from the dusty fields they worked to the…
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What Should the U.S. Spend Its Money On? Economics is grounded in the concept of scarcity, which ultimately means there is not enough stuff (e.g., food, movie theaters, healthcare) to go around. As a result, economic reasoning emphasizes making informed decisions about how to distribute goods and services efficiently and in ways that yield the… facilitates open collaborative conversations among teachers as they tinker with their own instructional practice as it relates to the C3 Framework.
If you are interested in offering more professional development opportunities, rethinking or redesigning your social studies curriculum, we’d love to talk.